Value Propositions
Part of the national sales meeting this year is coming up with a "value proposition." I vaguely had some idea of a "why we are better than the other guys" statement, but wasn't too sure about the details. So the first thing I did was a google search. I came across something interesting info. First, there was the obligatory Wikipedia entry for Value Proposition. It didn't really do anything for me. (Of course, the article still needs to be Wikified, so I shouldn't have expected too much.)
I liked In Search of a Value Proposition from Marketing Experiments Journal. There is a lot of good information, but not the "how-to" that I needed. How to write a Value Proposition provided me with a good methodology. Finally, one of the links led me to the YouBlog, a site that describes itself as providing "practical ideas on presentations, persuasion, selling, and communications." Hopefully, this information will help us to get it together and produce a stellar value proposition.
posted by Ed at 4:49 PM