Scoreless Tie

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I'm looking for something to use after MusicMatch is gone. Plus I have an HD from a dead laptop with their WMA's on it. Here is one post I found: Musicmatch - alternative please - Forums. It looks like Music Exchange might be an alternative. This review of MP3 software isn't bad, but I'd like to see something better. Brainboost gave me no answer to "what is the best software for organizing and playing mp3's on your computer".

Webtech Geek has a list of players with links. has their usual crap.

There is a very interesting MP3 software listing on Hitsquad. There is another MP3 player software list on

The question still remains; Why Did Yahoo Pay $160 Million for Musicmatch?. Just so they could screw it up, I guess.

Still don't know what I'm going to do about replacimg MusicMatch to avoid migrating to Yahoo!, but I did find a way to get the DRM WMA's off the laptop with the dead MoBo. PC World's article Hassle-Free PC: New Uses for Old Hard Drives linked me to the PCMS IDE TO USB 2.0 DRIVE 2.5"/ 3.5"/ 5.25" ADAPTER PC/MAC at PC Microstore. The description says, "The USB 2.0 IDE Adapter turns any IDE drive into a convenient external drive."

Any suggestions are welcome. Please leave a comment.

I had to reformat and went to the MMJB site to reinstall the jukebox and read the terrible news. Have you found a decent alternative? I am NOT going to use Yahoo!

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