Wireless Networking
Here are some links I've collected in my search for wireless networking info.
HomeNetHelp.com is nicely laid out and has some good info, but I have a lot of connection problems. The
Anandtech Networking forum has some good info, but the best part for me was the
link to ezian.net. Ezian then
linked me to a 802.11g performance chart at
Wi-Fi Planet. PC Magazine has a
product guide for wireless networking. Need to check out reviews on
Amazon for anything I might want to buy.
Well, I bought the Netgear stuff, hooked it up, and then couldn't communicate through the wire to the router! Here are some links I found while trying to figure out my problem: Practically Networked Wireless Network Troubleshooting - This JSI FAQ has some interesting stuff, but I don't know if it will help me. I am dreading a call to NetGear tech support. Everything I saw in the Amazon & epinions reviews described the tech support as dreadful. Maybe if my expectations are low enough, I will be pleasantly surprised.
Played around some, it seems like the problem may be dhcp related. I found this thread at Dux Computer Digest. Another link on the AMD site.This techadvice site looks interesting. TCP/IP info on myob.com. Home networking question on computing.net.
Another update. It's been almost a week. Things aren't working right. I can't communicate from my laptop to the router. I can't plug the laptop directly into the modem and use my broadband connection. Hopefully, I can get this cleared up within the next couple of days.
posted by Ed at 12:31 PM