Scoreless Tie

Monday, September 29, 2003

Wireless Networking

Here are some links I've collected in my search for wireless networking info. is nicely laid out and has some good info, but I have a lot of connection problems. The Anandtech Networking forum has some good info, but the best part for me was the link to Ezian then linked me to a 802.11g performance chart at Wi-Fi Planet. PC Magazine has a product guide for wireless networking. Need to check out reviews on Amazon for anything I might want to buy.

Well, I bought the Netgear stuff, hooked it up, and then couldn't communicate through the wire to the router! Here are some links I found while trying to figure out my problem: Practically Networked Wireless Network Troubleshooting - This JSI FAQ has some interesting stuff, but I don't know if it will help me. I am dreading a call to NetGear tech support. Everything I saw in the Amazon & epinions reviews described the tech support as dreadful. Maybe if my expectations are low enough, I will be pleasantly surprised.

Played around some, it seems like the problem may be dhcp related. I found this thread at Dux Computer Digest. Another link on the AMD site.This techadvice site looks interesting. TCP/IP info on Home networking question on

Another update. It's been almost a week. Things aren't working right. I can't communicate from my laptop to the router. I can't plug the laptop directly into the modem and use my broadband connection. Hopefully, I can get this cleared up within the next couple of days.

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