Scoreless Tie

Friday, March 14, 2003

Friday Five

On Friday this time!

1. Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not? Yes and no. There are some people I just don't want to talk to. Other than that, I'm okay with it.
2. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? A client.
3. About how many telephones do you have at home? 3 hard wired, 1 cordless, 2 cell
4. Have you encountered anyone who has really bad phone manners? What happened? Yes - I hung up on them.
5. Would you rather pick up the phone and call someone or write them an e-mail or a letter? Why or why not? I think that would be situational, wouldn't it? If you want immediate feedback, you use the phone. I suppose you could im, but maybe your question is easier to verbalize than to type. If you want to have a record, you use e-mail or a letter.

I didn't like this ff.

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