If you're a nuclear engineer or chemical engineer (like me) you'll probably think
United Nuclear is cool. If you found high school science confusing, you might find it scary.
posted by Ed at 12:27 PM
This probably wouldn't get blogged here, except I haven't written anything for 2 weeks.
Third Age has a column called
Tech Insider (link is to the archive). Some of the articles looked interesting, although I haven't read them yet.
Weeelllllll... This paragraph changed as I wrote it. FatWallet had a thread about some good prices on those tiny pc boxes. I was going to link to a vendor mentioned in the thread (not the original at the top of the thread - farther down), but I checked reseller ratings and they had a serious problem with customer service. Therefore, I won't mention the name. Remember, always check reseller ratings before you buy online.
Au revoir.
posted by Ed at 4:00 PM
Off on a tangentGrow a BrainifYeah, so I stole them from MSNBC Weblog Central. So what?
posted by Ed at 9:36 AM